MC4/8-RA2 – Reactive Jammer RCIED
Lightweight Backpack all-weather Reactive Jammer System for protection of
Bomb Disposal and Military Personnel. Blocks HF/VHF/UHF/GSM/
UTMS/3G/Cellular/SMS/LTE/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/DECT burst frequencies (and
bespoke customer requests).

- 5 wide Spectral Bands
- 20-6000 MHz
- Reactive/Hybrid (active and reactive for low band; active jamming high bands)
- 4 Hours continuous Operation (rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries)
- VSWR and Thermal Protection
- -20C to +75C Operating Temperature Range
- MIL-STD-810F
- Bomb Disposal
- Infantry / Convoy Protection
- Counter Terrorism Investigations